Contact Us

How To Contact Coffea Hardware

Thank you for contacting Coffea Hardware, a business unit of Portland Kettle Works. Contact us by phone, email or submit either the “Ask A Question” or “Get A Quote” form and we’ll get back to you within 48 business hours. We will, of course, never sell or rent your contact information to any third parties.

Our Company Headquarters

Located in the scenic Pacific Northwest, our headquarters is located Portland, Oregon right in the heart of the Pacific Northwest coffee country. We return phone calls and provide you with support from your west coast timezone, not from the other side of the world.

Coffea Bean Logo

Coffea Hardware
2401 NW 22nd Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97210 USA

Coffea Hardware is a business unit of Portland Kettle Works (PKW). Since 2011 PKW  has put client success at the forefront of its mission. We have delivered and installed thousands of stainless steel vessels, mixing tanks, and process systems that consistently drive down operating costs while increasing throughput for the most successful beverage, food and industrial companies in the world. All with a focus on driving down our client’s operating costs while increasing throughput.